They introduce their child's name after the Thai name Jhong "Kip" and promised they would undergo Jhong opportunity he gave to them. Top married to Nana while Shone and Nam visited the cemetery where buried Jhong. Shone recognize him and thank him for everything then Jhong pronounce his last message (like to thank Nam and feeling happy, he will be part of someone Nam love (heart shone) and asked Nam to sing the song to her mother that she taught him. (he suffered from the disease when her mother died three years ago). Nam found it Jhong who have bowel disease forbidding him to drink alcohol. Family donors give them the opportunity to personally thank (directly).

Shone and Nam decided I wanted to thank donors together. Shone requires heart and lucky he got a donor. Nam was concerned when Shone collapsed during a party. Shone has heart disease inherited from his grandfather. Shone apologize to Nana and invited him to a party where Nana met with Top. )Ĭher won a contest to give Nam greatest gifts of others. He believed what his mother told him that he had to pass the things that make a person who loves happy. After he learned that Nam likes to Shone, he made way for Shone also falls in love with Nam as well, he is also the owner of valuable property studs Nam, is the reason why Shone went to the pool, why Shone know the name Nam, and why Nam became popular, because he is playing video Snow White belongs to Nam. The story will reveal that he was a classmate Shone is secretly in love with Nam. He returned to his old home in Thailand and opened her memories in an album containing pictures Nam, diaries and things related to Nam. nah kali ini Lin bukan mau bahas film ini, tapiii Lin penasaran dengan kabar bahwa ada sequel dari A little thing called love. Jhong pleased that Nam finally found Shone. ada yang tau film A Crazy Little Thing Called Love ayo yang tau mana suaranyaaaa tereak-pake-toa XD yap, pasti udah pada tau karena film ini sangat booming pada tahun 2010. Nana is the author of "9 Recipes of Love" after he visited Thailand to study their language and culture. Nana found that Shone is the reason why the marriage failed because of three posts that Shone made for women bad habits and advice freely given for the three grooms. Then Shone remember that he also had his first kiss so Nam imitating what Shone.

Shone said "I'll delete it" and he removes his thumb used. Shone Nam told that someone had taken his first kiss. They both walk and go to the bridge where they meet again. Dreams make Shone and Nam remembers everything.